
About Ky

Hello, Vibers! I’m Kyrus Keenan Westcott, but you can call me Ky. I’m the heart and soul behind “The Vibe With Ky,” where we dive deep into mental health, introversion, and the ever-complex world of adulting—all with a touch of humor and a whole lot of real talk.

Born and raised in Mercer County, New Jersey, and now living just outside of Philadelphia, I’ve embraced the roller coaster that life has thrown my way. Diagnosed with ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Severe Depression in 2022, my journey isn’t just a story I tell—it’s the life I live every day. And guess what? It’s also the reason I decided to create a space where we can all laugh, cry, and grow together.

My Journey into Mental Health Advocacy

My mental health journey started later in life, at the age of 34. It was a pivotal moment that reshaped everything—from my daily interactions to my deepest relationships. Facing these challenges head-on, I realized how many adults struggle silently, thinking they’re alone in this battle. That’s when I decided to turn my struggles into a beacon of light for others.

Using my platforms, from Instagram to TikTok and even a podcast, I strive to add levity to the often heavy conversation around mental health. My aim? To make it a bit easier for everyone to talk about and navigate through their own challenges. And let’s not forget my two furry co-pilots, Hamilton and Burr, who are always ready to lend a purr or a comforting nap.

Kyrus Keenan Westcott (The Vibe With Ky) performing stand-up comedy.

Embracing Introversion with Open Arms

As a proud introvert, I’ve learned that being introverted doesn’t mean shy; it means I enjoy my own company and need to recharge alone after social engagements drain my energy. Through “The Vibe With Ky,” I share insights on how to thrive as an introvert in an extroverted world, helping others understand and embrace their quiet strengths.

Adulting and Other Adventures

Life as an adult can be daunting. Remember the first time you had to file taxes or juggle work and personal life? I’ve been there, and I love bringing these stories to life with a mix of humor and sincerity. Whether it’s a blog post about forgetting why I walked into a room or a video sharing tips on managing time (thank you, ADHD!), it’s all about making you nod in agreement and maybe even laugh out loud.

Why You Should Stick Around

Whether you’re navigating mental health issues, figuring out introversion, or just trying to make it through the day without spilling coffee on yourself, you’re not alone. “The Vibe With Ky” is more than just a content platform—it’s a community. Here, we validate feelings, share struggles, and celebrate small victories.

While I’m not a mental health professional, I speak from experience and from the heart. I always encourage seeking professional advice and utilizing therapy as a powerful tool for personal growth—as I do every other week.

So, if you’re looking for a sign to take the next step in your mental health journey, consider this it. Join me and countless others as we discover, learn, and sometimes stumble, but always keep moving forward, together.

Let’s Make Today Amazing

Ready to add some vibe to your life? Stick around for honest talks, genuine stories, and a community that cheers for every step you take. Let’s embrace our quirks, face our fears, and make every day a little brighter, one smile at a time.

Welcome to “The Vibe With Ky”—where we’re not just surviving life, we’re vibing through it.

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