How I Discovered Existential OCD [And What I’m Doing About It]

Hey, Vibers! It’s your boy Ky!

Today, I’m peeling back another layer of my mental health journey to share a recent discovery that’s been both enlightening and incredibly transformative. During my latest therapy session, I stumbled upon something profound: I have existential OCD. Realizing this was like finding a missing puzzle piece in understanding the complex ways my mind works.

Discovering Existential OCD

It started with those deep, dark thoughts that occasionally spiral out of control. You know the kind—those late-night brain benders that lead you down a rabbit hole of “What’s the meaning of life?” or “What if nothing is real?” Initially, I thought these were just intense philosophical musings that everyone experienced. But during a session, when I shared these recurring thoughts with my therapist, the conversation took a turn towards existential OCD—a term I hadn’t encountered before.

Existential OCD involves persistent, intrusive thoughts and compulsions about life’s biggest questions, ones that don’t really have clear answers. For me, it was like constantly trying to solve an unsolvable riddle, leading to significant anxiety and distraction.

The Impact of Knowing

Understanding that these weren’t just random thoughts but a form of OCD was eye-opening. It helped me recognize the patterns and start working on strategies to manage them better. The diagnosis brought clarity and relief, knowing that these overwhelming thoughts had a name and, more importantly, a management plan.

This Mental Health Awareness Month, I’m dedicating my time to learning as much as I can about existential OCD. The journey towards managing this condition is just beginning, and I’m excited about processing this more with my therapist during our next session.

Why This Matters

Sharing this is vital—not just for my healing, but to encourage anyone who might be lost in similar thought spirals to seek help. Existential OCD isn’t just about being curious or philosophical; it’s a serious OCD subtype that can dominate your mental space without you even realizing it.

Actionable Tips and Resources

For those who resonate with these experiences, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn about existential OCD and its symptoms. Understanding what you’re dealing with is the first step toward management.
  2. Seek Professional Help: If you suspect you might have existential OCD, talking to a mental health professional can be incredibly beneficial.
  3. Visit My Mental Health Resources Hub: For more information and support options, check out my comprehensive hub here.
  4. Stay Connected: Share your experiences and learn from others. You’re not alone, and sharing can be incredibly therapeutic.

FAQ on Existential OCD

What is existential OCD? Existential OCD is a subtype of OCD where the person experiences intense, intrusive thoughts about philosophical questions that are typically unanswerable, leading to significant anxiety.

How is existential OCD different from regular OCD? While all OCD involves obsessions and compulsions, existential OCD specifically focuses on existential and philosophical questions, rather than fears about contamination, order, or other more common OCD themes.

Can existential OCD be treated? Yes, existential OCD can be managed effectively with professional therapy.

How do I know if I have existential OCD? If you find yourself constantly troubled by deep existential questions to the point where it affects your daily functioning and mental health, it might be time to consult a mental health professional.

Is existential OCD common? While it’s less discussed than other forms of OCD, existential OCD is a real and valid form of OCD that many people experience.

Wrapping Up

Understanding existential OCD has opened a new chapter in my mental health journey, providing clarity and tools to manage my thoughts better. Remember, understanding your mind is a journey that requires patience, learning, and often professional guidance.

If you’re curious about how to navigate other mental health challenges, especially ADHD, check out my guidebook, “Navigating Daily Life with ADHD: A Digital Guidebook for Adults” here, crafted to turn challenges into strengths.

Much love. Good vibes. – Ky