How to Master Mental Health First Aid (ft. Dr. Alexis Moreno)

Hey, Vibers! It’s your boy Ky!

Let’s be real—talking about mental health can feel a little awkward. Even though I’ve spent years sharing my journey with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, I’m no expert. However, I’m lucky to have friends like Dr. Alexis Moreno, who’s here to guide us through the world of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). In the latest episode of The Vibe With Ky Podcast, we explored the transformative power of MHFA and how anyone can learn to support themselves and others. Ready to dive in?

What Is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based training program that teaches participants to:

  • Identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health challenges.
  • Develop a plan (called ALGEE) to guide someone through a crisis or non-crisis situation.
  • Provide the right support while also practicing self-care.

Dr. Alexis, the founder of Wit & Reason Mental Health Services, has a wealth of experience in psychology and media, making her the perfect person to walk us through this important topic. Together, we unpacked the essentials of MHFA, revealing why this training is crucial in breaking the stigma around mental health.

Why You Should Care About Mental Health First Aid

Let’s start with a personal story: I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2022, and I remember the overwhelming emotions that came with it. At first, I had no idea how to handle it. But as I learned more about ADHD, I discovered that understanding and early intervention can make a world of difference. This is where MHFA shines.

Why Should You Get Trained in MHFA?

  • Empowerment: Feel confident in providing support and understanding.
  • Reduction of Stigma: Help challenge misconceptions surrounding mental health.
  • Community Impact: Be a source of hope and guidance in your network.
  • Personal Growth: Learn strategies for self-care and mental wellness.

The ALGEE Action Plan

The core of MHFA training revolves around a practical action plan called ALGEE. Here’s a breakdown of each step:

  1. A – Assess for Risk of Suicide or Harm
    Identify any immediate dangers and determine the best way to respond.
  2. L – Listen Nonjudgmentally
    Create a safe space by listening without passing judgment.
  3. G – Give Reassurance and Information
    Provide hope and factual information about mental health resources.
  4. E – Encourage Appropriate Professional Help
    Suggest seeking a mental health professional or appropriate resources.
  5. E – Encourage Self-Help and Other Support Strategies
    Promote healthy lifestyle habits, mindfulness practices, and peer support.

How to Get Certified in Mental Health First Aid

Dr. Alexis broke down the process for becoming a certified Mental Health First Aider:

  1. Register for Training: Contact Wit & Reason to enroll in a course.
  2. Complete Pre-Work: Start with a 2-hour self-paced online course.
  3. Attend Live Training: Participate in a 7-hour instructor-led session (virtual or in-person).
  4. Earn Certification: Receive your MHFA certification valid for 3 years.

To learn more about Dr. Alexis Moreno and Wit & Reason, visit

How MHFA Benefits Relationships and Workplaces

In our conversation, Dr. Alexis emphasized that MHFA can have a positive impact in various settings:


  • Support Partners: Understand how to be there for your significant other during challenging times.
  • Recognize Changes: Notice behavioral shifts that could signal a deeper issue.


  • Team Dynamics: Foster an inclusive and supportive work environment.
  • Conflict Resolution: Improve communication and resolve disputes more effectively.

Ky’s Personal MHFA Tips

  1. Stay Informed: Knowledge is power. Check out my Navigating Daily Life with ADHD guidebook here.
  2. Build Your Network: Join The Vibe With Ky Mailing List for exclusive content here.
  3. Practice Self-Care: Visit my Mental Health Resources Hub for valuable tools.

FAQ About Mental Health First Aid

  1. Q: Do I need to be a mental health professional to take MHFA training?
    A: No! MHFA is designed for anyone, no matter your background.
  2. Q: Is MHFA training expensive?
    A: Costs vary depending on the organization offering the training, but the investment is worth it!
  3. Q: How long is MHFA certification valid?
    A: Certification is valid for 3 years, and you can renew it with a 60-minute online course.
  4. Q: Is MHFA suitable for introverts?
    A: Absolutely! As an introvert myself, I found the training empowering and supportive.
  5. Q: Where can I learn more about MHFA?
    A: Visit for all the details.

Final Thoughts

Mastering Mental Health First Aid with Dr. Alexis Moreno showed me the value of empowering ourselves to help others. Whether it’s for your partner, workplace, or community, MHFA equips you to identify mental health challenges and provide crucial support. Listen to the full episode of The Vibe With Ky Podcast featuring Dr. Alexis Moreno on YouTube or Spotify or Apple and start your MHFA journey today.

Much love. Good vibes.
– Ky


  1. Mental Health First Aid USA
  2. Wit & Reason Mental Health Services